
Upload, Analyze, Optimize: Energy Revolutionized


In an era where digital transformation is pivotal, our project stands at the forefront of revolutionizing the construction sector through education. We are dedicated to equipping higher educational institutions with cutting-edge methodologies and comprehensive teaching materials focused on Building Information Modeling (BIM). Our goal is to enhance the proficiency of students and professionals in evaluating a building’s energy efficiency from design and construction to maintenance phases.

We extend our mission to municipalities and construction professionals by providing them with the essential tools and knowledge to identify and implement the most effective renovation strategies. These strategies are aimed at boosting the energy efficiency of existing structures, paving the way for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly construction industry.

Join us in shaping a future where digitalization and sustainability go hand in hand in building better, smarter, and greener.


Case Studies and Teaching Material

Our project focuses on improving building energy efficiency using BIM (Building Information Modeling). We analyze three types of buildings in partner countries to find better ways to enhance their energy efficiency. This research helps us create practical case studies.

Educating Future Professionals

We’re developing educational materials on building energy efficiency. Our goal is to prepare future engineers, architects, and construction workers to renovate existing buildings into nearly zero-energy buildings. This effort is aimed at making the construction sector more sustainable.

Web-App for Energy Efficiency

The insights from our case studies are being used to improve a web-app. This app will help users apply what we’ve learned to make buildings more energy efficient. It’s a practical tool for anyone looking to reduce energy use in buildings.


Learning Material

We are dedicated to advancing the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a key tool for boosting the energy efficiency of buildings. Our comprehensive methodology and teaching materials are tailored to empower both professionals and students in the construction sector. Through our resources, we aim to provide in-depth guidance on implementing BIM strategies that lead to more energy-efficient building designs and operations.

Interactive Web-App

To further support our mission, we’ve developed an interactive web-app that serves as a practical tool for exploring building renovation options. This app is designed to help users assess the energy efficiency improvements of specific buildings, providing detailed information on associated costs and expected return on investment. By simplifying the decision-making process, our web-app enables users to make informed choices about sustainable renovations, paving the way for significant energy savings and environmental benefits.